justagirl's ramblings.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

what keeps us sane

my friend dawn and i were discussing how we can remain sane in this horrible world...while doing our job.......is there any way to remain sane and non-cynical, not so jaded about the job...because of the job.

for myself.......i tell myself these few things whenever things go bad.

1) i'm doing it because i believe in the work...and i don't care if i don't get any recognition for it. extra recognition is definitely a bonus though..but it's not everything. :)

2) always refer back to the bible to remain sane...somehow some quotes from there will pop up and keep me sane :)

3) have a life..even when it's impossible to have one. go out with friends. chill out. date around. get a new hobby. get to know new people...etc

4) know what's truly important in life. keeping yourself happy! making those loved ones and friends know how much you care for them.


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