justagirl's ramblings.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

closing and opening chapters

when i was younger, i used to love climbing up the double-decked bed by the side, by the ladder over and over again. it seems addictive and familiar and fun....so much so that i knew every nook and cranny.

as i get older, i get too used to this comfort zone by referring too much to the past. it could be an old friend, the usual food i used to eat for the trizillionth time or maybe the old surroundings of school and home.

and then now i start to view this with somewhat jaded eyes and something in me stirred.

i just didn't want to be stagnant anymore.

no more delayed emotions or wishing and moping and hoping.

when the chapter is closed, it ought to stay that way. there's no point flipping the pages back to get back to where you lost time.

so in 2006 and 2007, where i wasted too much time on waiting for things to unfold or even hope that the past glories will repeat themselves, this year my motto is......heck care and just enjoy myself haha.


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