justagirl's ramblings.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

i had a dream last night

i had some really vivid dreams last night which tend to be on the surreal side. it felt too real. as if it had happened to me or will happen to me.

then again, perhaps it's because i haven't resolved some issues at hand.

anyway the dream involved me, a naive 15-year-old (ok fine, i'm stuck in a time warp..then again it's dream land, so nothing makes sense) who secretly enrolled myself into some expensive prestigious boarding school.

and dated some hot guy there.

which is totally weird.

the weird aspect is that it was way too real...and hmmm i felt as if it had happened to me before, or worse, it's my alternative self in an alternative world.

very twilight zone.

well this was one of the series of weird dreams i had this morning.

more entertaining than tv and the movies ha ha


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