justagirl's ramblings.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

drama drama

there are many types of drama unfolding before our very eyes.

the google box.

the newspapers.

the internet

and of course real people that you and I actually know about.

of all these, i suppose the most entertaining drama has to be real life drama.

nay, i don't mean the silly reality tv. how realistic is a tv programme which only depicts "real" people behaving as themselves...only to be editted to a point that it becomes faux and unreal?

What i mean is witnessing how a bunch of people behaving in an infantile manner. Or how some people just simply create drama out of nothing.

their creativity never ceases to amazes me (sigh that depends on how creative they are in creating drama.)

Like one of my indian friends used to quip.......

"you know us indians la.... even when there's no drama, we go and create it. what to do, it's in our blood haha."

the sad thing is. at least the indians seem to have finesse in making their life drama so poetic, whereas some other people i know just create very very blase drama, which only pinpoints some facts.

1) they do not have a life.
2) they need to base their life on other people's lives
3) they do not have a life. therefore, they have nothing better to do.


yes, the only thing that amazes me....is i'm the delighted spectator.

seriously, like i told some of my friends.

such drama has to be watched and not to get involved in it.


i have a life.

i have better things to do.

and i have better friends and family members to spend my time with. :)


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