justagirl's ramblings.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Phew~ finally, i've got some breathing space after last week's marathon of preparing for lessons, doing more work, marking more work.... preparing for some stuff. just feels so overwhelmed at times.

yes it's almost June 2006!

ok let's do some recap exercise.

one year ago......... i got to know few groups of people and happy to say, i've got to know a few good friends from the lot. Seriously, i don't need millions of friends to play with me, just one sincere heart who would share his or her life story with me would do. :)

of course, being in a huge group of people feels wonderful because you feel a sense of belonging, but the question is....is there anything beyond fun?

how many days can you spend doing the same things over and over again?

i don't know but somehow i do know that eventually everyone has to grow up.

and huge groups will eventually shrink and whoever's left is indeed worth keeping as a friend.

i guess that's my life story basically.

at every stage, i belong to millions of cliques......drifting clique to clique, getting to know different types of people who speak different lingo and even language.

but i think one thing that binds friendship is trust and love.

without these two values.....the friendship will surely tarnish with time.

one of my dear friends told me that eventually one day i would anchor at one group and never drift further on. But frankly speaking, that will never happen to me, because i do love exploring from group to group.............

because if i stuck to one group, i'll always look at the world in such myopic eye view, take certain trivial stuff as the center of my world or worse still......have only one perspective on everything.

I've gained a lot by mixing around..... getting to know all types of people, and in the end, i still formed meaningful friendships with that selected few whom i cherish a lot with. :)


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