justagirl's ramblings.

Monday, March 12, 2007


Ok I'm trying hard not to begin my blog entries with a "yeah" or a "sigh", so ok would be a fair variation. :p

technology. technology. i won't say it's a double edged sword, rather it's pain in the ass, and in a way it's like a very much wanted modern evil we can never do without. so i supposed a gun that shoots you in the mouth at the same time when you try to attack your target would be a better metaphor.

i was busy trying to clear my e-mail box, which always manages to be filled with at least over 200 e-mails.

1) i don't dare to delete because WHAT IF my computer crash?
2) everything needs to be black and white. don't take people's verbal agreement for it anymore.
3) WHAT IF i forgot what i said 2 weeks ago?
4) there's always an avalanche and a tsunami of information coming in..so chances of scanning and skimming some emails are high as opposed to in-depth reading.
5) we need to be environmentally friendly by not killing trees and yet we spend hours with our laptop on (and think we are being environmentally friendly without realising the trees get killed anyway) perhaps out of sight is indeed out of mind.

yeah. i fear our relationships will become "soft copies" where we conveniently store them in that little corner of our mind, living for the moment and what is today, rather than value the archives called memory.

and of course... we conveniently delete some part of our past too quickly.

we become too quick to judge.

and the irony is ....

while we see this as a good way to prepare for the future (getting rid of deadlocks, clutter and so on), we don't realise that we can't do this properly without taking in perspective what the past has done to us.

and so .... we make the same mistakes.

we stop contemplating, thinking or reflecting.

i suppose in our attempt to be efficient and putting in effortless work, the process of learning and growing up dwindles.

as much as i'm someone who loves technology and loves blogging, i miss the days i scribble in my offline diary, where i could feel the expression of the mind amazingly through the tinkling of my fingers..which finally translates into writing.

now. this process is trivialised to mere pushing of key alphabet buttons on my laptop.

so...yes... we get things done more quickly, more efficiently, with a tinge of velvet shimmery glamour.

but at what price?


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