justagirl's ramblings.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


there are days when you feel as if there's absolutely nothing to do and you keep fidgeting with your fingers...dreaming for some pure hardcore action....to chase away the boredom.


there are days when you are so busy and stretched that you wish.... sigh why can't the deadlines, social gatherings be held on other days.

yupz. that was what happened to me on friday.

i was busy at work. then i had to rush out to do some official business..sigh then go back to the workplace. THEN. i had to rush down to one friend's social gathering which ifelt quite bad about it. i arrived late..very late..and left half an hour later for yet another gathering.

and get this.

i cancelled on one social gathering before the 2nd one.

and a friend called me at around midnight for some clubbing business

sigh. yes

my life's quite a spiral of intensity and nothingness.

and today it was quite fun. goto to learn to do the first aid stuff..the bandaging the cpr. heh.

and now...i'm happily resting and slacking in front of the computer..blogging my silly thoughts away. heh.

and oh in other news,

i just figured that

1) i have a delayed teenage rebellion thing going on now...at a ripe old age of 26. sigh. yes. the nerd ol's me has disappeared and erm i dunoe why. just feel aimless and restless. sigh i guess there's such thing called the never ending life crisis, so let's not talk about quarter life, mid-life or three-quarter life crisis. :p

2) i'm living life in the moment as a consequence of 1) and so for once in my life i'm not going to care about planning my life out anymore. the irony is i did the planning when i was younger....now nay...i threw this theory out..and just live for the moment...and be happy for it.


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