justagirl's ramblings.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

the movie and catch up

yeah monday turned out not to be so blue afterall as grace and i headed to the movies to watch ratatouille.

turned out to be a really nice animation. basically no more pretentious trying to hard to please the audience type.

feel good movie with some feel-good factor about being comfortable in your own skin or ratty fur in this instance.

i love its theme anyone can cook.

such spin and satire on all those ridiculous cook shows where it goes somethings like "If X can cook, so can you" type of nonsense. heh.

but it also struck a chord in me that...sometimes in all our eagerness to excel too much, we don't cut enough slack for ourselves to feel inadequate and then we try too hard to bend towards other people's expectations.

Is the society's definition of perfection an indicator of our own self satisfaction? or does it just merely feed into people's insecurities only to leave us feeling even more unwanted ever before?

anyway on other notes,

i don't know but sometimes i do wonder if in the pursuit of achieving my goals am i turning to the person whom i detest?

under stress and a lack of sleep...well terrible combination, caught myself turning nastier than usual to people around me...which makes me wonder sometimes if what i am doing is really worth the while.

then again... perhaps i seriously need all these time out moments..in order to feel alive and human.

ok. there you go. a very blah input from me yet again.

but heck. anyone can blog :p


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