justagirl's ramblings.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


somehow when one reaches rock bottom and other than the devil and the deep blue sea...there's nowhere else to head to but to float upwarsd...true true.

for some reason i'm feeling high and happy. perhaps it's because of the extra exercise...yeah started going back to the gym to shed the excess weight i put on, gain back my health and of course get rid of the emotional baggage i've been carrying way too long.

or could it be my bunch of supportive friends who never saw me in a judgemental light and yet persist in encouraging me whenever i felt like the worst piece of shit in the world, mumble endless hours of irrational emo.

so i've decided to pass on the niceness award which my dear friend sue has endowed on me...aww.

so here i am trying to give my own set of niceness award.

feels good.... after watching endless cheesy hours of oscars heh.

Sue -for being the nicest sweetest friend who's there to offer me sweet and sound advice when i really needs it. for the crabby moments and introducing me to her world of gaming :) love u sis.

Evy - for being the best sister i never had. my fellow partner in crime when it comes to doing fun stuff.For being there for me when i was down and up. For your forgiving nature when i let you down. muacks :)

Daniel - for being the bitchy partner in crime at work. for those gossip and bitchy sessions. and my fellow contestant in irritation.

Grace - for giving me the indian spice which i truly lack in my life haha :) being such a great friend.

Dawn - for being the wonderful fellow whiner and diner and being a fab friend for the past ....shhh.... almost 8-9 years. god i know u for so long.

Sanjay - for being the totally wonderful friend who listens to me with unbiased ears and eyes. buddie for life. :)


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