justagirl's ramblings.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


i remember one year ago.. i was feeling deep sense of sorrow, sadness and it was time when murphy ruled big time. anything that went wrong really went wrong.

i remember i was at one of the worst place on earth working, counting the days i have left to go past. seriously speaking. i never ever had such a negative impression of any place before.

despite the bitter cold environment which i was faced with, i met a kind angel who offered to drive me to the workplace despite it not being on her way.

She asked me out for lunch even though i was just a temporary staff struggling to just let time pass by.

she showed me a simple gesture of friendship despite the fact that she won't get back much in return.

you could say that i actually thought i could be closer friends with her when i get back to the work place. i thought i thought.

i still remembered it was a celebration day ...and a friday when i last spoke to her and asked how she was feeling because she seemed to be down with a bout of illness.

And then, as cruel time was........i received news that she passed on, despite being so young and all.

it was a cruel time because just when i found light in a place of darkness...the very angelic characteristic of it just flew away. just like that.

In a strange twist of fate, i saw the best and worst in people.

those who cared for her did not fear showing their emotions and care and concern.

those who were cruel...merely speculated whether it was a suicide case, while others just wish people can just forget about her and move on.

i don't know.

yes death is a cruel thing, but honestly the moment we can forget about such a wonderful person leaving this earth.....is the moment that our humanity has truly left us.

looking back........i was asking god why did he have to send me to such a place...to experience such traumatic experience....

i kind of know why.

i learned to
1) cherish friends and family every day.
2) be emotionally stronger and more understanding towards others
3) be patient and tolerant.
4) not to take things for granted.

sigh perhaps i could use this experience as a source of strength. to remember that i too can be strong during such an event.


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