justagirl's ramblings.

Monday, May 15, 2006


All of us have an inner demon.

Or maybe many inner demons.

What exactly is it? basically a mask that you hide because it totally contradicts your true being, the very person whom you are.

for example, i have an inner ah lian who will be revived only when there's a techno song or two.

or another inner demon would be the totally selfish which i may become when provoked by selfish people who've been happily taking advantage of me.

i suppose there's a reason for all these inner demons to exist.

1) reaction to problems -> perhaps we fear our problems that we develop alternative personas.

2) fear -> perhaps we've come to not accept our true being, and so the undesirable parts have to exist in shadows and alternative shadows. think of closet gay or lesbian, or the closet boy band fan. it's our fear of social unacceptance for that aspect.

3) just for the heck of it -> to relieve stress basically. i've always found techno music very fun and energetic. but since there's a general negative stereotype that it is meant for those wolf-whistling, tattoo-clad street hooligans...i've always found it amusing that i like this type of music as i do not fit into the category of a techno fan. ha.

so the question is what is your inner demon and why are you shielding it from public view?

or a more probing question would be...why on earth do you need the inner demon?


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