even at that young age, that young lady was feeling cynical and negative about life as a whole, and saw herself as the ultimate loser of it all.
However, when the young facilitator said something, she listened and pondered for a while.
"every one has a gift....even you derrick, you have the gift of music...."
"god has given each of us a gift.......and it's up to us to find it."
The little girl felt that she didn't have a significant gift at all, nothing that will make her stand out from the crowd or impactful enough.
Basically, she only wanted to be the best.
But nothing she did was good enough to assure her that what she did was enough.
more than 10 years passed on, and that girl has to face her own classful of unsure teenagers who did not have a clue about how special each of them were.
Although that girl isn't in the most swanky outfit, her pocket has not gone very deep, and she still lives in an apartment many detractors labelled as a pigeon hole,
her soul was filled up.
She could stand up and hold her head high because
even though she wasn't the smartest,
she wasn't the prettiest
she wasn't the slimmest
she wasn't the most popular person
she wasn't the tallest
she knew she had found the gift which god has planted in her ever since she was born...
but she was too preoccupied by her flaws that she never noticed what she really was good at.
And i am that girl.
Thanks to a dear friend j, who had inspired me to write this blog.
I just feel that when you have that special gift from matter where you are...and what you wanted to do.............. you'll always be obsessed over that gift not because you're so good at it..but because you were born to fulfill god's promises and you are part of his plan.