yeah. analyse the music you listen to and it gives you a very good idea of your mental state.
and as i observed the type of music i have listened to.
here are some common points
1) Flight...somehow the lyrics point to one common thing. "I wanna fly with you" "sunshine, when you're with me i can fly"
-> perhaps it shows a calling for me, or rather a yearn to break free from the clutches of bureacracy and the rigid system that i feel so trapped in.
-> Perhaps my wanderlust for freedom is starting to build up again just after i have build a comfort zone around me.
2) Ibiza/meaningless cheesy techno music
maybe this is just another sign of escapism. Apparently techno is associated with ah bengs, drugs that make one feel high, gives one a false sense of anticipation and joy haha...
maybe i just need a temporary source of relief something that makes me "high" even when i'm feeling low.
so ...what tunes are you listening to today?
maybe you'll find out more about yourself... thru the notes and words penned carefully by the song writer...than through those cheesy self help books and tarot cards.